Lane Oakes is enjoying using some of the equipment purchased from Ready Bodies, Learning Minds.
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
Lane Oakes
Students taking a break at the ACT prep in Canton
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
If your student iis approaching time to get their driverā€™s permit, check with the high school office to see if they passed their 8th grade reading test. If they did not pass, have your student contact Mrs. Shryock to arrange to take the alternative test.
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Juniors and seniors will meet in Mrs. Krowsā€™s room today to hear from the National Guard recruiter Sgt. Garcia from 11:10-11:30.
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
We had a great turnout for See You at the Pole. This is a student led activity. Itā€™s great to see our students leading in such a positive way. #trojanprideneverdies
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
See you at the pole 1
Make sure to attend See You at the Pole this morning at 7:30. There will be one at each site. See you there!!!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Entries have been completed and delivered to the Tulsa State Fair! Our ag students have been working hard the past few weeks to complete their educational posters, decorated pumpkins and our chapterā€™s educational board entry! Exhibits will be judged this week, so stay tuned for results!
over 5 years ago, Maggie Brown
All set up at the fair!
Mine craft sheep!
Donā€™t forget to come watch the great talent we have at S-M.
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
Next Tuesday!!
All juniors and any seniors and GT members who want to will be traveling to Canton on Thursday, September 26, leaving at 8 AM and returning about 1 PM Students should come to Mutual instead of going to career tech. Students attending should bring lunch money.
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Updated Sharon-Mutual 3/4th elementary booster club tournament bracket.
over 5 years ago, Aaron Marlatt
Elementary bracket
Reminder P/T Conferences today from 4:00-7:00. Also Thursday from 4:00-7:00.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Lady Trojans lose a close battle with Hennessey
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
Tough loss!!!  Keep Fighting!!
Trojan rumble
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
5/6 Trojan football
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
JH Lady Trojans take set 3 to win the game over the Hennessey Lady Eagles.
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
Lady Trojans for the win!!
JH Lady Trojans split the first 2 matches with the Hennessey Lady Eagles.
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
***Yearbook Reminder*** The last day to order yearbooks for $34 is 9/30. You can place orders online through 9/30. If you are paying by check, please put the check an order form in the mail by Wednesday 9/25. Please contact Mrs. Green at the high school if you have any questions. 580-989-3210.
over 5 years ago, Brandi Green
Yearbook Order Form
Great job Mr. Nelson and Mr. Marlatt for all the work you do around our schools!
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
A great big thank you to the students and staff who helped with moving within the high school this morning! You are an amazing group!
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Sharon-Mutual students are working really hard on their projects at TAP. We send 11 8th and 9th graders to the TAP program in Woodward. Great job students.!!! Your projects look awesome.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson