A Trojan football Friday nite
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
GAME DAY!!! The Trojans travel to Waukomis tonight for FB. Game time is 7:00. If you canā€™t make the game you can listen to Coach Levi Spencer and the ā€œVoiceā€ of the Trojans, Joel Stocking on classiccom.tv The broadcast will start at 6:30. #trojanprideneverdies
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Waukomis 1
Waukomis 2
Just a reminder: NO SCHOOL Monday for teacher training. Mrs. Syms and Mrs. Mulbery attended Ready Bodies Learning Minds in Dallas, Texas this week. They were trained on how learning happens through sensory integration and motor theories. As well as how to offer our students foundational support for success by adding motion in the classroom and in a motor lab. We are excited about the opportunity this training is going to bring to our school and the possibilities for our students. Mrs. Syms and Mrs. Mulbery will be training our teachers on this new program. Great job!!!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Ready Minds
Mini cheer clinic forms and payment are due Tuesday, Septtember 17th by 3:25 PM.
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
OKC Community Foundation Scholarships Open October 1 Don't let the name confuse you. The OCCF offers scholarships that students across the state qualify for! And of the more than 200 scholarships that they administer, more than 130 have a convenient and easy online application process. Simply follow the steps on their website to apply for a scholarship. For answers to their most frequently asked questions, check out their helpful guide. Contact Mrs. Hopper at thopper@smps.k12.ok.us for the link to see the entire list.
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards One of the oldest competitions in the United States, the Scholastic Awards were founded in 1923. Studentsā€™ submissions are blindly judged by leaders in the visual and literary arts. Over $250,000 in scholarships are awarded each year. The competitions are open to grades 7 through 12, and high school seniors who earn a National Medal are eligible to receive scholarships through partnerships with esteemed colleges and universities. Students must register in order to submit artwork. Registration is open through December 4. All students need to do to get started is create an account! Contact Mrs. Hopper at thopper@smps.k12.ok.us for the link.
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Prudential Spirit of Community Awards This program honors students in grades 5-12 for making meaningful contributions to their communities through volunteer service. Apply today for national recognition, a scholarship and an all-expense-paid trip to Washington D.C.! See Mrs. Hopper for the link to apply. By November 5, 2019, students must submit their completed applications and signed student/parent agreements to a certifier (Certifiers can be school principals or the head of a county 4-H organization, Girl Scout council, American Red Cross chapter, YMCA or a Points of Light Global Network member).
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Below you will find links to the ACT deliverables which includes the Oklahoma webinars, instructional resources, State Organizations registration link, college and career Readiness workshops and the Oklahoma webpage for ACT and PreACT. As always, thank you for everything you do to help students achieve education and workplace success. Resources for taking the ACT online or on paper Online Practice Tests by Subject ACT Essay View Writing Test Scores ACT Question of the Day through ACT Profile eBook College and Career Planning Resources ACT Academy Resources ACT Academy ACT Knowledge Hub Standards and Curriculum ACT Knowledge and Skills If the links don't work, let Mrs. Hopper know which ones you specifically want and they can be emailed to you.
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
CLEPĀ® exams help students earn college credit for what they already know for a fraction of the cost of a college course. For the 2018-19 school year, more than 140 high schools offered CLEP to their students, helping them earn more than 52,000 credits and saving them roughly $17 million in college tuition. Consider CLEP as an option for students who: ā€¢ Are fluent in Spanish, French, or German ā€¢ Attend a school that doesnā€™t offer an APĀ® course theyā€™re interested in ā€¢ Are unavailable to test during the AP or International Baccalaureate (IB) testing window ā€¢ Have prior knowledge in a CLEP exam subject To learn how CLEP can supplement your high school curriculum, email us at clep@collegeboard.org.
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
On behalf of Colonel David Fallon, Marine Corps Commanding Officer in the Midwest region, I wanted to make you aware of an opportunity to see the process of young men and women becoming U.S. Marines. Each year, the Marine Corps hosts high school influencers in San Diego to become better informed on the recruitment process, entry-level training, career opportunities, the emphasis on education in the Marine Corps, and to dispel myths and assumptions based on USMC stereotypes, family support, and community services. This program is an all-expenses paid, one-week immersion program where you can have the chance to stand on the infamous yellow footprints, observe and talk to recruits in recruit training, shoot the Marine Corps service rifle, interact with drill instructors, participate in the Bayonet Assault Course, and witness a recruit graduation ceremony. The following are links to videos on what your peers have said about our program: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEWfE8fkC48 https://www.dvidshub.net/video/708007/mcrd-san-diego-educators-workshop If this interests you, and you think you're up to the challenge, please contact 9th Marine Corps District at 9MCD_MidWestMarines_OMB@marines.usmc.mil and we will contact you promptly. Please provide the following: school, phone number and location so the Marine Corps contact in your area can provide you more information on specific dates. We look forward to hearing from you. Semper Fidelis, Capt. Jean Durham Marketing and Communication Strategy Officer 9th Marine Corps District W: (847) 887-8322 Cell: (224) 374-8895
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
This is a good way to beat the heat!!! Mrs. Elam and her 7th Grade enjoying the nice weather this morning and doing their Science lesson outside.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Mrs. Elam
Mr Mulbery getting pied in the face to raise money for all students to purchase books
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
Mr Mulbery getting pied in the face
Never seen this before in volleyball
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
Great win in 3rd set to win game
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
2nd set win over Hardesty-Yarbrough
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
First set win
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
First set win for S-M over Hardesty-Yarbrough
Just a reminder. The Sharon-Mutual Board of Education will have itā€™s September Regular Board Meeting tonight at 6:45 in the Mutual cafeteria. Hope to see you there.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Elementary Book Fair is open until 5 pm today.
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
Elementary Book Fair is open until 5 pm today.
HS with the win over the Darrouzett Longhorns
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
HS wins
JH with the win over Darrouzett
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
JH wins