Mighty Trojan football!
over 4 years ago, Terri Hopper
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A Trojan touchdown!
over 4 years ago, Terri Hopper
over 4 years ago, Brandi Green
Trojan spirit!!
over 4 years ago, Terri Hopper
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Trojans 8 Pond Creek-Hunter 26
over 4 years ago, Terri Hopper
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Keep workinā€™ Trojans!
over 4 years ago, Terri Hopper
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A great night to start football!
over 4 years ago, Terri Hopper
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Trojan football honors this great country during the Star Spangled Banner at senior night.
over 4 years ago, Terri Hopper
Reminder JH football and cross country have concession tonight. Please report at 5:45
over 4 years ago, Aaron Marlatt
JH highlights
over 4 years ago, Terri Hopper
JV highlights Against Darrouzett
over 4 years ago, Terri Hopper
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And the final product!
over 4 years ago, Aaron Marlatt
Pic 1
Football kiddos getting the field ready today! It looks great.
over 4 years ago, Aaron Marlatt
Pic 2
Pic 1
Any adults that would like to help in concession tomorrow at the football game will be greatly appreciated. Especially at half time. Thanks in advance.
over 4 years ago, Aaron Marlatt
Anyone attending tomorrowā€™s volleyball game at Darouzett will be required to wear a mask. Capacity will be at 50% in the gym. Upon being seated using social distancing, masks may be removed while seated. You may enter the gym through the door East of the longhorn. Please come out & support Lady T!
over 4 years ago, Terri Hopper
Coach Bri and Coach Mandy have bee hard at work with the Elementary Lady Trojans. They have been practicing on Wednesday after school. Girls 3rd-6th grade basketball practice! From left to right. Denise,Ali, Hailee, Hayley, Kollyns, Addison, Lily, Arley, Tayler, Allison, MaKenzi, Haylee, and Callie.
over 4 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Congratulations Cody Vassar on having the Champion Beefmaster Heifer at the Woodward County Fair! Great work Cody!
over 4 years ago, Terri Hopper
Congratulations to Emalee Nail on having the Grand Jr Breeding Ewe and Grant Market Ewe. She also had the Champion Hamp Wether and Champion Shrop Wether. Her Hamp was also Grand Champion. Great job Emalee and thanks to your showing assistant Campbell McAllister!
over 4 years ago, Terri Hopper
REMINDER - REMINDER The Elementary Cookie Dough Fundraiser will end on September 2nd. This is one of our major fundraisers for the school year. You can purchase from a student or online. Please help support our Elementary Students. Also if you have any pictures from elementary school activities, please send a copy to school for Ms. Amanda to hang on our bulletin board in the hall. #trojanprideneverdies
over 4 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Erick takes the match
over 4 years ago, Terri Hopper
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