JV Lady Trojans lost a close game 2 sets to 1.

JH Lady Trojans win second match 25-15 and win the game.

JH Lady Trojans win the first set 25-7.

Go Lady Trojans

Open House/Meet Your Teacher is today from 4-7 at both campuses.

Faculty has reported for training for 2019-20 school year.

Start downloading the new Sharon-Mutual app to catch Trojan news and announcements. Search for Sharon Mutual In your App Store.

Sharon-Mutual Schools will be making a decision on whether to administer the AC T or the SAT for spring testing for the junior class. If you have a preference, please email Mrs. Hopper at thopper@smps.k12.ok.us by August 10. Your input will be considered. Thank you!

Mr. Mulbery enrolling new students.

Coaches getting the practice field ready for the start of FB. The first game will be August 30th at home vs. Cherokee.

It's that time of year again... Time to renew football parking for the upcoming season. Please contact Coach Marlatt if you would like to keep your spot. amarlatt@smps.k12.ok.us. We have had a few requests for spots that are not renewed, and we have a list going for that. Price for parking spots has increased to $50.
Make checks payable to SM Football.
Mail to 210 S. Maple
c/o Aaron Marlatt
Mutual, OK, 73853

Please visit www.smpsbond.com for detailed information about the upcoming bond issue. Open House tour will be July 2nd at 6:30 pm. Tour will begin in the Sharon cafeteria and will end at Mutual.

We have completed our gym floor for the elementary.

Check out the revised concession schedule for 2019-2020. Remember, proceeds go to the Student Body activity fund to help our athletes. Contact Coach Marlatt at amarlatt@smps.k12.ok.us if you can help! Thanks!

Congratulations to Jayson Farrell as an All-Star Football game player. He had some great blocks and enjoyed a photo op with Coach Ryan Nelson.