Thank you Joyce Hedges for taking care of the yard in front of the gym. We appreciate you seeing a need and using your talents to help the school. #trojanprideneverdies
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Gym Flowers 2
Gym flowers
Come out to the Sharon-Mutual fair tomorrow at the Sharon-Mutual Ag Farm. Livestock and exhibits will be in the morning and the carnival will be in the afternoon. Also help welcome new Ag Teacher Ms. Maggie Brown to the Trojan family.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Quote of the night from last nightā€™s special board meeting. From Sharon-Mutual alum Carol Stocking ā€œTROJAN PRIDE never dies!!!ā€#trojanprideneverdies
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
We had a great special board meeting last night. There was lots of discussion on how we can move the school district forward. Thanks to all who participated. Your input was valuable and appreciated. Here are the remaining board meeting dates for 2019. Please be looking for special board meetings as we post them. We would love to have as many people attend as possible. Also thank you to Wendy Dunlap for helping us with our special meetings. You and your staff are always helpful with setting up the special meetings.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Board Meeting dates
Make sure to purchase your ALL SPORTS PASS. The Sharon-Mutual Booster Club will be selling them at the VB game tonight. Admission for home sporting events will be $5.00 for Adults and $3.00 students. Remember Senior Citizens are FREE!! Come out and support your Sharon-Mutual Trojans. #trojanprideneverdies
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
All Sports Passes
Sharon-Mutual school board meets this evening at 6:45 at the cafeteria In Mutual. The board would like your input on a future bond. Please make plans to be there!
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
JH Lady Trojans drop a close one 2-1. Great effort!!!
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
Volleyball Pinkout shirt orders are due Thursday, August 15. Pinkout is August 27 vs Erick at 4:30.
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
V-B Pinkout
Picture Day, Wednesday, September 4. Picture day will include the fall sports football, volleyball, and cross country. Picture order forms will be sent home with the students.
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
Picture day on Wednesday, September 4 includes the fall sports football, volleyball, and cross country.  Order forms will be sent home with the students.
A great big thank you to the TAP and career tech students , Alan and Coach Nelson who are waiting for those programs to begin for pitching in to clean up after the ice cream social. It was a big help to Alan to prepare for the home volleyball game Thursday. Great job Trojans!
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Sharon-Mutual Public Schools and Pioneer Cellular have partnered to improve cell service in the town of Mutual by installing a cell tower next to the school. When completed the tower will have a Sharon-Mutual banner and function as a street light.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Even though the electricity went out the Fair Boardā€™s ice cream social was a huge success. A big thank you to everyone who cane out to support the Sharon-Mutual Fair.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Ice cream social
Ice cream social 2
we anticipate the Juniors will take the ACT with writing on paper October 1 at Sharon-Mutual high school. They will begin at 8:00 AM. Please mark your calendarā€™s accordingly.
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
The 2019 volleyball schedule has been changed to reflect the movement of the August 29 game to September 30 at 5 PM at Mutual.
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Please remember to promptly pay for your parking spots for the football program. Thank you!
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
We will be looking for you at the ice cream social and barbecue fundraiser this evening from 5:30 to 7 PM at the East gym in Mutual. Hope you can join us!
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
SM students adding a new layer of mulch at the playground.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
SM students adding a new layer of mulch to the playground.
Fifth through eighth grade boys will receive their football jerseys tomorrow and be introduced at the ice cream social along with all other fall sports. Come join us for an evening of fun and great food! The homemade ice cream will be a great treat!
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Sharon- Mutual teachers in autism spectrum and vision therapy training.
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Professional development at S-M
Varsity loses hard fought game to Hennessey.
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
The Varsity loses a hard fought game to Hennessey.