Pictures have been rescheduled for March 4th Group Pictures: Pk - 8th Casuals: Pk - 6th Elementary, JH, and HS Track HS Baseball JH and HS Powerlifting Order forms for sports are in the office. Spring Casuals: They photograph two poses. You will receive a proof two weeks later. At that time, you can order online or place your order with the form and mail it back. The proofing envelopes have a class group option to order or those can also be ordered online.
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Green
If your student will be needing to get their drivers permit, check with Cindy in the high school office to make sure they passed their 8th grade reading test. If they did not, they will need to schedule with Mrs. Shryock to take the alternative test.
almost 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
The SM music dept traveled to Alva today to compete in the District Vocal contest . The SM Large Ensemble received a superior rating, and they will be competing at state in April. MaKynlee Mulbery and Ariona Bruce will be attending state contest after receiving superiors on their solos as well. Junior high superior ratings were Hana Chapman and Abbey Elam. Avery Groff received an excellent rating. Carson Groff and Olivia Schuyler also received good ratings. Mrs. Reich is very proud of all of the participants today - they were a class act. Congrats, Trojans!
almost 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
S-M District Music
Ms Reich has made arrangements to sing later today to allow roads to clear. Vocal leaving from Sharon at noon. They could start at 1:20 and be done by 2. Mr. Mulbery will pick up kids in Mutual at 11:20.
almost 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Vocal students will not travel to districts today.
almost 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
S-M will not attend career tech or TAP today.
almost 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Due to road conditions, Sharon-Mutual will not have school today.
almost 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
Pictures, February 26th Spring Casuals: Pk - 8th Class Groups: Pk - 6th Elementary, JH, and HS track JH and HS powerlifting HS baseball Order forms are available in the office and you can order online.
almost 5 years ago, Brandi Green
Oder Form
Please feel free to join us this afternoon for assemblies at 1 pm and 2 pm put on by the OSBI. They will be speaking on hazing, bullying, consent, and aspects of social media. The assemblies will be grades 9-12 at 1 pm and grades 5-8 at 2 pm in the east gym at Mutual.
almost 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Be sure to tune in for Sharon-Mutual basketball today at 3:00. Ben and I will be broadcasting the game on The Trojans will take on the Balko Bison in the Regional Consolidation Finals, for the chance to advance to the Area Tournament. Good Luck Trojans!!! #trojanprideneverdies
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Wear your red tomorrow and show your Trojan spirit! Hope to see you there!!
almost 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
The pep bus will leave Mutual at 115 and Sharon at 130 tomorrow. Remember your $5 to get in the game.
almost 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
The theme for tomorrowā€™s game at Leedey is ā€œwhite out.ā€
almost 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Show your Trojan spirit if you want by dressing in camouflage tomorrow if you are attending the playoff game at Buffalo. Join the fun!!!
almost 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Gabe Sessoms was the 8-man State Runner-up in the 168 pound division with a 1120 pound total lift. Great job Gabe!
almost 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Correction the second day should be Friday not Wednesday Sorry about that!
almost 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Students in grades 7-12 will have the opportunity to travel to Buffalo on Thursday for the high school boys basketball regional game. Permission letters went out at the elementary today and high school students may pick up permission forms in the high school office. All forms have to be signed by a parent for students to go. Students will need $5 to get in the game. Students will be returned to the schools at Sharon and Mutual and may be picked up there. Pending a Trojan victory Thursday, the same opportunity will be available for travel to the game at Leedey on Wednesday. Please note on the permission slip the dates they plan to ride so we have a head count for appropriate transportation.
almost 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
4th grade SoftSeven multiplication winners. 4th Grade- Addison Farrell, Tenley Mulbery, Jaidynce Long
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
3rd grade SoftSeven multiplication winners. 3rd Grade- Connor Morris, Antonio Benites, Kason Clevenger Great job Mrs. Cole and students!!!
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
The Tri-State Oil and Gas Convention (TSOGC) Committee is continuing the scholarship program for the tri-state area of NW Oklahoma, SW Kansas and NE Texas Panhandle. Our intention is to annually award at least 4 scholarships to graduating HS seniors for $1500 each from the proceeds of our annual convention.Ā  For more information about the Tri-State Oil and Gas Convention visitĀĀ  You can access our scholarship on our website atĀĀ Applications are due by April 1, 2020 and the scholarship award recipients will be notified by the end of April. The awards will be made directly to the accredited post-secondary education institution upon confirmation of full-time enrollment of the scholarship recipient.Ā  Ā Ā Ā The scholarship will be awarded based on a point system for scholastic achievement, financial need and activities / citizenship. Students should be encouraged to completely answer all questions. Applicants do not have to be affiliated to the oil & gas industry, but additional points are awarded for immediate family members that are actively involved in the industry.Ā Last year we were able to award 4 scholarships to graduating HS seniors for $1500 each. They were from various schools in the tri-state area.Ā Any questions can be directed to Katie Shirley atĀ kshirley@hptc.eduĀ or (580) 571-6106 as a representative of the TSOGC Scholarship Committee.
almost 5 years ago, Terri Hopper