Mrs. Syms 2nd graders busy collaborating during STEM time. The STEM materials were graciously donated to her class by members of our community. Mrs. Syms and her students are so grateful for your support.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Mrs Symā€™s class 4
Mrs Symā€™s class 1
Mrs Symā€™s class 3
Mrs Symā€™s class 2
Nicholas Marin got 1st Place with his pencil drawing. WAY TO GO!!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Nicholas Martin
Thanks to the Sharon-Mutual Booster Club and their sponsors for purchasing new helmets for the FB team. These newest and safest helmets available for use. #trojanprideneverdies
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
PreK and Kindergarten have shown up for the carnival. There is a petting zoo and lots of games. Thank you to Mannā€™s Rental for providing the cooler.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Petting Zoo
Mannā€™s Rental
Ring Toss
Putt-Putt Golf
The carnival is about to start!!!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Taia Lovelace with her Grand Champion Roster.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Taia Lovelace
Horse Show Results Champion Mare Austin Veach Reserve Mare Cody Vasser Grand Gelding Cade Cooper Reserve Cody Vasser
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Cade Cooper
Cody Vasser
Austin Veach
Thank you to Jeremy Clem and the SM high school students for helping to cleanup after the livestock show. The carnival will start at 11:00. We are about an hour behind schedule but itā€™s going great. Come on out and have some fun.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Setting up for the carnival
HS students getting ready for the carnival
Elementary will be approximately an hour later today at the Carnival/Fair. Sorry for the inconvenience and late notice.
over 5 years ago, Terry Mulbery
Campbell McCallister with the Grand Champion Wether Goat. Cami Ellison with the Supreme Doe.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Cami Ellison
Campbell McCallister
Emalee Nail has the Supreme Ewe and Grand Champion Wether.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Conner Thompson, Emalee Nail and Kameron McDowell
Kameron McDowell
Emalee Nail
Sammi Green with the Grand Champion Barrow.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Sammi Green
The SM Fair has started. Come out and enjoy the fun.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
Louis Gardner bringing items for the fair.
Chickens at the fair.
Exhibit 1
People attending the SM Fair
Now that school has started just a reminder that both campuses at Sharon-Mutual are equipped with an AED for emergencies. These are located at the main office of both schools. Thank you Kevin Mitchell for making sure they are ready to go for the school year.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson
HS AED BY Cindyā€™s office
Elementary AED by Vickiā€™s office
Sorry, the picture of the girls is what you should be seeing. Will have to check on the app. The picture on the preview was of the court.
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Trojan heart
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
HS volleyball against OBA
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Proud of our Trojan students working to help out at school events!
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
over 5 years ago, Terri Hopper
Be sure to keep up with Sharon-Mutual Athletics on the Classiccom Network. We will be broadcasting the first home VB game of the season tonight. Go to to watch tonightā€™s game between Sharon-Mutual and OBA. Good luck LADY TROJANS!!! #trojanprideneverdies
over 5 years ago, Jeff Thompson